20 April 2009

over me bright April shakes out her rain-drenched hair

Hey, did you know I'm a genius? Well, I am.

I'm a genius.

I'm also unique, and very special. VERRRY special.

I'm unique, very special, interesting, and likable. People like me, did you know?

Well, they do. Lots and lots of people like me. They say nice things about me, they think of my well-being, and they show me affection, just because! Just because they like me.

They mostly like me because I'm a super special unique likable and nice genius.

I'm also very creative. I'm just burgeoning with creativity and vision. That's why I'm so productive! I'm always producing very creative innovative interesting likable things. Like a genius would and should.

The best part about me besides being a likable creative genius is that overall I'm a very positive person. I hardly ever say anything negative. I hardly ever think anything negative! Judgmental thinking is so foreign to me that my experiences are not characterized by good or bad, pain or pleasure. I experience them as they are.

That's why I'm so very engaging. Both engaging and engaged. I live in the present moment at all times. I can't help but be alive! Every waking moment is magic is life is experience, new and fresh and wondrous.

Not only am I a creative genius, I am also a genius at life. Because I didn't even have to learn these things, they just came naturally!

And in the end, that's why I am so very happy.

Everything else is just pretend.

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